Gili Island Etiquette

Gili Island Etiquette

Gili Island Etiquette

Why do you want to travel to the Gili Islands in Indonesia? Just like a lot of people you are probably want to discover tropical places and different cultures, open your mind, your heart, and have fun. The Gili Islands offer a great opportunity for fishing with clear water and abundant marine life. Your fishing experience will definitely be more memorable with great fishing gear. Bass Fishing Hub is the best place to get everything you need for the best fishing experience, you can also visit websites like Raise to find the best sales and discounts. You can bring a telescopic fishing rod or hire the fishing equipment.

Gravity Consulting specializes in the implementation of aquatic field studies and the development of technology for the collection and analysis of water and sediment samples. This organization works on the island to recollect scientific samples.

So if you are coming to visit the tropical paradise of the Gili Islands, please note a few local dos and donts to help you have a happy stay:


– In the local culture, it is very rude to point with the feet, so if you need to show something, use your hands

– When giving or receiving something, when eating or touching use your right hand. The left hand is used for other businesses…

– Remove your shoes when entering a building and wait to be invited to sit if you are a guest.

– Smiling and having fun happen naturally when on holiday. Some situations can sometimes be a little frustrating or tiring. Try and deal with these keeping a smile on, the issue will be resulted much easier. Shouting and screaming are very counterproductive and rarely brings a solution. Just keep smiling!

Dress Codes:

No bikinis on the streets
No bikinis on the streets

As most of the population on the Gili Islands and being located in Asia and mostly muslim, the dress codes here are very different than in the western world. People are modest and cover their body and sometimes their head. Of course as tourists, we are not expected to dress the same way, but we are expected to be respectful! There are signs around the islands, which keep on being ignored. So please be aware!!

– When walking around the island and in villages, tourists need to wear clothes, shorts and t-shirts are good, bikinis are not. When in doubt, put it on!

– On the beach or on a dive boat, bikini and swimwear are accepted, please do note that being topless or wearing very small and revealing bikinis or G-strings are not. So please cover your bits!

We hope that this blog with help you enjoy your holiday and the tropical paradise to the fullest. Please do get in touch on [email protected] for any further information on etiquette or scuba diving at all levels. Happy Holiday!!

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