Unforgettable Scuba Diving Adventures with Oceans 5 Gili Air

Scuba Diving Adventures

Dive Education Excellence

For certified divers, the choices are abundant at Oceans 5. Whether you seek to enhance your dive skills by advancing to the next certification level or simply crave the thrill of exploration, Oceans 5 has something for everyone. With a comprehensive range of PADI courses available, from beginner to instructor levels, divers can embark on a journey of continuous learning and mastery.

PADI Scuba Diving Course Indonesia  | Scuba Diving Adventures | Oceans 5 Gili Air
Scuba Diving Adventures

Thrilling Fun Dive Trips

Dive education is not just about obtaining a certification; it’s about honing your skills and deepening your understanding of the underwater world. At Oceans 5, experienced instructors guide you through every step of the process, ensuring a safe and enjoyable learning environment. Whether you aspire to dive deeper, navigate underwater currents with ease, or explore wrecks and canyons, Oceans 5 provides the training and support needed to achieve your goals.

Exhilarating Introduction Dives

For those already certified, Oceans 5 offers daily fun dive trips that promise exhilarating adventures in small groups. With three trips scheduled each day, divers have ample opportunities to explore the diverse marine life and captivating dive sites that the Gili Islands have to offer. From vibrant coral reefs teeming with colorful fish to mesmerizing drift dives and intriguing wreck sites, every dive with Oceans 5 is a journey into the unknown.

Transformative Open Water Certification

But what if you’re new to scuba diving and eager to experience the wonders beneath the surface? Oceans 5 has you covered with two enticing options. The first is an introduction dive, perfect for beginners who want to dip their toes into the world of scuba. Under the guidance of a qualified instructor, participants undergo a theory session followed by practical training in the pool before venturing into the ocean. It’s a thrilling opportunity to discover the magic of breathing underwater and witness marine life up close.

Endless Underwater Adventures

Alternatively, for those committed to becoming certified divers, Oceans 5 offers the renowned PADI Open Water Certification course. Over the course of 3-4 days, participants receive comprehensive training in essential dive skills and safety protocols, culminating in certification to dive independently to a maximum depth of 18 meters. It’s a transformative experience that opens the door to endless underwater adventures.

PADI Open Water Course Gili Islands | Scuba Diving Adventures | Oceans 5 Gili Air
PADI Open Water Course

Marine Diversity in Gili Matra

Located within the marine park of Gili Matra, Gili Air boasts an abundance of marine biodiversity and pristine dive sites waiting to be explored. One of the highlights of diving in these waters is the opportunity to encounter majestic sea turtles, which are a common sight on almost every dive. Additionally, divers can immerse themselves in a variety of underwater landscapes, from dramatic underwater canyons to enchanting coral gardens and intriguing wreck sites.

In essence, Oceans 5 Gili Air offers more than just scuba diving; it’s a gateway to unforgettable adventures and lifelong memories beneath the waves. Whether you’re a seasoned diver seeking new challenges or a novice eager to embark on your first underwater journey, Oceans 5 provides the expertise, guidance, and unparalleled experiences that make every dive an unforgettable adventure.

Unveiling the Path to Becoming a PADI Instructor: PADI IDC Gili Islands with Sander Buis at Oceans 5 Gili Air

PADI IDC Gili Islands with Sander Buis at Oceans 5 Gili Air

If you’ve ever dreamed of becoming a PADI-certified scuba diving instructor and exploring the mesmerizing underwater world, then the PADI IDC Gili Islands program at Oceans 5 Gili Air, led by PADI Course Director Sander Buis, might just be your ticket to making that dream a reality. This comprehensive program not only equips candidates with the necessary skills and knowledge but also nurtures their passion for scuba diving.

PADI IDC Gili Islands | PADI Course Director Sander Buis | Oceans 5 Gili Air
PADI IDC Gili Islands with PADI Course Director Sander Buis on Gili Air

The PADI Instructor Development Course (IDC) at Gili Islands is renowned for its innovative and effective teaching methods. Under the expert guidance of Sander Buis, candidates undergo a transformative journey that prepares them to become confident and proficient PADI instructors. In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into the structure of the program and how Sander Buis utilizes a unique approach to help candidates achieve their goals.

The Art of Workshops: Learning in Bite-sized Chunks

Sander Buis understands that the path to becoming a PADI instructor can be both challenging and rewarding. To make this journey smoother and more efficient, he has incorporated a workshop-based approach into the PADI IDC Gili Islands program.

The workshops are designed to break down the complex material and skills into manageable, bite-sized parts. This approach not only facilitates learning but also allows candidates to focus on mastering each element of the curriculum. One of the standout workshops at the PADI IDC Gili Islands is the Discover Scuba Diving (DSD) and the Rescue workshop, which are expertly led by Sander himself.

The Theoretical Foundation: Knowledge is Key

The first part of these workshops delves into the theoretical aspect of scuba diving instruction. Sander Buis carefully goes through the PADI Instructor Manuals for the Discover Scuba Diving program and the Rescue Diver course. He ensures that candidates have a solid understanding of the rules, regulations, and essential information related to these courses.

During these sessions, Sander not only imparts knowledge but also shares his wealth of experience in the diving industry. He highlights what is crucial for aspiring instructors to know and provides insights into the best practices for delivering effective scuba diving instruction.

Moreover, Sander Buis keeps candidates updated with the latest developments in the DSD program and rescue course by referencing the most recent PADI training bulletins. Staying current with industry changes is vital for instructors, and Sander ensures that his candidates are well-informed and adaptable.

Practical Skill Development: Pool Workshops at PADI IDC Gili Islands

After candidates have acquired a strong theoretical foundation, it’s time to put that knowledge into practice. The next phase of the workshops takes place in a controlled environment: the pool. Here, candidates have the opportunity to hone their teaching techniques.

PADI IDC Gili Islands | PADI IDC Dive Resort Oceans 5 Gili Air | course Director Sander Buis
PADI IDC Gili Islands at Oceans 5 Gili Air

Under the watchful eye of Sander Buis, candidates take on the role of instructors and teach their fellow PADI IDC Gili Islands candidates the essential rescue skills and the DSD program. This hands-on experience is invaluable, as it allows candidates to develop their instructional abilities in a controlled setting.

Sander emphasizes a holistic approach during these pool sessions. By assessing the best ways to demonstrate skills and maintain group control, candidates become well-rounded instructors. Effective communication and teaching techniques are the pillars of successful scuba instruction, and these workshops lay a strong foundation for mastering them.

Real-world Application: Open Water Workshops

The final part of the PADI IDC Gili Islands program takes candidates to the open water, where they are confronted with a less controlled and more unpredictable environment. In the open water workshops, candidates are challenged to make critical decisions independently.

Sander Buis encourages his candidates to apply the knowledge and skills they’ve acquired in the earlier phases to real-world scenarios. This phase of the program tests their ability to adapt to different conditions, make quick decisions, and ensure the safety and enjoyment of their future students.

Sander’s passion for these workshops is evident, as he witnesses the growth and transformation of his candidates. The combination of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and real-world application in the open water workshops equips candidates with the confidence and competence needed to excel as PADI instructors.

In conclusion, the PADI IDC Gili Islands program with PADI Course Director Sander Buis at Oceans 5 Gili Air offers a comprehensive and innovative approach to scuba diving instruction. Through a series of carefully designed workshops, candidates receive a well-rounded education that prepares them for the challenges and rewards of being a PADI instructor. Sander’s dedication to his candidates’ success is evident in every step of the program, and his passion for diving is contagious. If you’re looking to turn your love for scuba diving into a fulfilling career, this program might just be your ticket to a world of underwater adventures as a PADI-certified instructor.

Why complete the PADI Divemaster course? Much more than just a certification.

The PADI Divemaster course is one of the most rewarding scuba diving certifications you can complete.

This’s not just because it’s one of the most time consuming, or because it is the first professional qualification. The Divemaster course is so fulfilling because it provides you with invaluable skills and unforgettable experiences that enrich many aspects of your life, not just your scuba diving. You can visit our website and choose the best option for you.

Whether or not you plan to pursue a career in the scuba diving industry, the PADI Divemaster course has a lot to offer you. Most of us are aware that the divemaster course provides you with the opportunity to hone your diving skills and gain work experience in a dive shop. But did you know there are many other, less obvious, benefits of completing the course? Visit https://www.firstpost.com/health/protetox-reviews-a-legitimate-weight-loss-pill-or-scam-11186701.html.

Becoming a divemaster is a big commitment of both time and energy but we believe that the rewards far outweigh the costs. No matter what your next step may be. In case you needed a little help committing, here’s why completing your PADI Divemaster course should be your next big adventure.

Become a confident and competent divemaster. Know how to handle yourself in all situations.

Hanging out at the safety stop scuba diving

This one is kind of obvious, but still worth highlighting as it’s a big part of your journey to becoming a divemaster. Throughout the course, you will be exposed to many different scenarios, both real and staged. You will learn and practise the skills to deal with these unforeseen situations and potential emergencies, whilst remaining calm. And by the end of the course, you will know how to handle yourself and help others, both above and below the surface.

Although the PADI Rescue Diver course introduces you to this, the timescale and in-depth workshops involved of the PADI Divemaster course provides you with a much stronger understanding of looking after yourself and others. Plus the opportunity to practise and use those skills in real situations. Being able to handle stressful situations and solve problems quickly is a skill you can take with you in any area of life, not just scuba diving!

Strong reverse current? Burst O-ring? Panicking diver? No problem. You know exactly how to handle it without getting flustered!

Become part of the scuba diving team.

Great scuba diving team at Oceans5

When you complete your divemaster, you’re not a regular customer at the shop anymore. You become part of the team. You are welcomed into the shop as part of the family. If you are already a diver, you will be familiar with the fun and friendly atmosphere of dive centres, and as a Divemaster candidate. You get to be a part of that every day. Sounds awesome to us!

Being part of the team also allows you to gain valuable insight into the running of a dive centre and gain experience working as part of a team. Dive centres often have some pretty big characters and a variety of cultures and nationalities. Learning to work with different people in challenging environments is always a beneficial experience!

Discover a new diving place.

Gili air island
Get to know Gili Air inside out!

You can complete your Divemaster course in as little as 4 weeks. But we recommend at least 2 months to really get the most out of your training. Therefore, you will live in the area where the dive centre is located. This is a very different to just travelling through or spending time as part of a holiday. You will be essentially living and working, developing your routines and discovering the best parts of the area. From finding those secret spots for trying the tastiest home-cooked dishes, to picking up some of the local language or just waving good morning to your neighbours. When you stay somewhere longer you become part of the community. This allows you to experience a different way of life.

Your discovery isn’t just on land. During your Divemaster course, you will be able to fully explore the local dive sites. You’ll find out where that cute pink frogfish likes to hang out, where the juvenile white tip sharks rest during the day and you may even start to know some of the turtles in the Gilis by name! You learn to appreciate the little things and notice subtle changes, as well as refining your guiding skills.

Stay fit.

Although not the main reason people complete their Divemaster, your physical fitness will certainly improve. Apart from diving every day, you will also be carrying tanks, setting up gear, lifting yourself up onto the boat and helping newbie divers both above and below the water. All of that combined is just as effective, if not more, as a regular fitness regime. Getting (or staying) fit is just one of the additional benefits of the PADI Divemaster course.

Dive every day.

scuba diving and a turtle
Get up close and personal with the locals

One of the main benefits of completing your Divemaster course is that you have the chance to go scuba diving every day. Something we are all aiming for in life! Every day you have the chance to explore below the surface and encounter your favourite marine life. Did we mention that we see turtles of 99% of our dives here on the Gilis? Who wouldn’t want to swim with turtles every day? Count us in.

Meet people from all over the world.

Meet people from all over the world group shot after beach clean up

Scuba diving attracts people from all corners of the globe. As a Divemaster candidate you get to meet people from many different walks of life, with a variety of cultures and backgrounds. The interesting conversations and variety of stories told is enjoyable enough. But don’t forget to consider the future benefits of this amazing networking. Perhaps that guy you chatted to about nudibranchs is friends with someone who is hiring for a role you’d be perfect for? Or even introduces you to your future partner? You never know who you might meet in the diving industry, or how you might be able to help each other out in the future. Perfect excuse to expand you friends list on Facebook!

Make life-long friends.

Scuba diving girls

Most dive centres will have more than just one Divemaster candidate at a time, meaning that it’s likely you’ll be embarking on this journey with others who share your passion for all things scuba. When you’re spending around 2 months with these people, as well as the dive centre staff, it’s likely you’ll make at least one friend for life, if not more! Sharing the highs and lows of the Divemaster training and living away from your home and family often generates strong bonds between people. Throw in the fact you all love the ocean and you’ve got a recipe for lasting friendships!

Add invaluable skills to your CV.

setting up scuba diving equipment

It is obvious that the Divemaster Course is a vital part of your CV is you want to work in scuba diving. But have you considered how the valuable skills and experience you gain are extremely relevant for most careers, not just diving?

During the Divemaster course you develop a high level of professionalism and customer service. You practise leadership through guiding and scuba reviews (refresher/tune ups), public speaking and presenting through briefings. You learn risk management and safety considerations, first aid, boat management, working efficiently as part of a team, practical problem solving. These are all transferable skills that will help you excel in whichever direction you take your career in. Don’t forget to note these down in your next job application!

Be an ocean ambassador & support marine conservation.

Beach clean up on Gili Air

Both during your Divemaster and afterwards, you are an ambassador of the ocean. You help to educate others and raise awareness of the threats to the marine world. During your divemaster course, it is likely you will have the chance to get involved in marine conservation activities or events. At Oceans5 Dive, we encourage our Divemaster candidates to run our weekly beach cleanups and get involved in our monthly reef clean-up dives, as well as participate in events run by our partners The Gili Shark Conservation.

The PADI Divemaster course is much more than just a diving certification. It provides you with key skills alongside unforgettable and unique life experiences. There is no doubt that this should be your next adventure!

Happy divemaster diving

At Oceans 5 Dive on Gili Air, we welcome Divemaster candidates to start anytime. As mentioned, we recommend you spend at least 8 weeks with us for the course, but if you are tight on time we can tailor the course to suit your requirements. Please don’t hesitate to send us a message if you have any questions about the PADI Divemaster Course.

We believe that the Divemaster Course is more than just ticking off the PADI requirements. We strive to deliver you the best possible training to suit your personal and professional goals. As a 5* PADI Career Development Centre, we offer our Divemaster candidates the opportunity to learn additional skills, from fish and coral identification to a neutrally buoyant skills circuit. With an onsite PADI course director, 2 staff instructors, our Divemaster candidates receive high-quality training that goes above and beyond what is needed to pass.

Instructors briefing the divemasters

You also get the opportunity to live on the idyllic Indonesian Island of Gili Air. With no motorised vehicles, beautiful white beaches, jewel-like waters and wonderfully welcoming locals, there really is no better place to spend a few months!

So, are you ready for your next adventure?

If you have an infectious love for the ocean that you just must share, and are ready to develop both yourself and your diving, then you are the perfect candidate for the PADI Divemaster course. We can’t wait to meet you!

Beautiful ocean around Gili Air on our dive boat

So, what is there to do on Gili Air?

We all know that Gili Air is famous for scuba diving. Exploring the crystal clear waters, swimming through schools of colourful fish and hanging out with turtles, is certainly one of the best ways to spend your time. But what about those surface intervals? Or perhaps your loved ones or travel buddies are not interested in wiggling into a wetsuit and breathing compressed air. Fortunately, Gili Air has lots of other great activities to indulge in during your stay.


Circumnavigate the Island

Fields of palm trees on Gili Air
Palm trees as far as the eye can see on Gili Air

Either on foot or by bike, you can easily circle the island in under 2 hours. With no motorised vehicles to destroy the peace, you can discover empty beaches, flower-lined paths and fields of palm trees as far as the eye can see. Find your favourite patch of sand or take a break at one of the many local cafes for a fresh juice or cold beer. A word of advice, go either in the morning or late afternoon to avoid the midday heat!

Island Hopping

Gili Meno beach
Visiting the beaches on Gili Meno

Gili Air is, of course, our favourite island but if you have a spare day it would be a shame to not take a trip to one of the other two nearby islands. Gili Trawangan offers an unrivalled party atmosphere and an array of shopping opportunities, while Gili Meno provides quiet seclusion on pristine beaches with a back to basics atmosphere.  Public boats hop between the islands in the morning and afternoon and fast boat service every hour makes it easy to take a day trip. The Harbour offices sell tickets and provide the most up to date timetable. Alternatively, you can charter a boat if you are a small group. If you’re interested in islands like these, you might want to visit Cayman Islands for your next trip. Visit https://www.visitcaymanislands.com/en-us/global-citizen-concierge and ask them about their packages.

Trip to Lombok

Mountains and waterfalls of North Lombok
Dramatic scenery of North Lombok

If you’ve managed to tick off all the activities on Gili Air and still have the energy to explore, it is easy to arrange a day trip to Lombok. Just a short boat ride takes you over to Lombok where you can discover hidden waterfalls, tackle the summit of Mt Rinjani (Indonesia’s 2nd largest volcano), beach hop the southern coast around Kuta or experience local Sasak village life. All these trips can be arranged from Gili Air.

During the Day on Gili Air


Sunrise over the foothills of Mt Rinjani
Sunrise over the foothills of Mt Rinjani

Early risers on Gili Air are rewarded with the spectacular sight of the sun rising over the foot of Mt Rinjani on Lombok. Definitely worth getting up for at least once during your stay! Experience the peace of the island at this time in the morning and watch the locals slowly start their day, a pretty magical time.

Relaxing on the Beach (or something less sandy!)

Beach chairs on Gili Air
Perfect place to relax

One of the best things about staying on a tropical island is the beautiful beaches. So, what better way to spend your time than laying out your towel, soaking up some sun and enjoying the sound of the waves lapping the shore. Don’t like the sand? No worries, Oceans5 Dive Resort has two beautiful pools for you to relax around.

Participate in a Beach Clean Up

Cleaning the beach on Gili Air
Every Friday we organise a beach clean up

It’s always rewarding to be able to do something positive for the communities that you visit. At our dive resort, we organise beach cleanups every Friday afternoon at 5pm and everyone is welcome! Join us to help keep our island and the oceans clean and enjoy a free drink with us afterwards.

In the Evenings on Gili Air

Go Horse Riding

Horse riding on the beach
Horse riding on the beach

Riding horseback in the shallow turquoise waters alongside a white sand beach as the sun sets behind the volcano on Bali… sounds like the scene out of a movie, doesn’t it? Well on Gili Air you can be part of this magical scene. Horse-riding is available from one of the stables on the island, drop into the Oceans5 and we can point you in the right direction.

Cooking Classes

Close up of ingredients at cooking class
Cooking class at Sunny’s Warung

We think that one of the best things about travelling is tasting different cuisines. Indonesian food is full of rich and exciting flavours and Gili Air is not short of places to try the local dishes.  However, if you have a few hours spare you can take it a step further and learn how to create your favourites. Just next to Oceans5 Dive awaits Gili Cooking School which offers a variety of classes to suit different tastes and budgets, run by Indonesian chefs. Alternatively, in the north of the island, Warung Sunny provides a back to basics home-style cooking class. Our favourite part of the class is the feast at the end!

Outdoor Cinema

There is nothing quite like reclining on a big, comfy bean bag with your toes in the sand while watching a film on the big screen. Gili Air has a couple bars where you can watch a different film each night, right on the beach with a variety of drink and food options brought right to your seat!

Listen to some Live Music or Enjoy a Party!

Live band playing on Gili Air
Nothing beats live music

Although our neighbour, Gili Trawangan is known as the party island, Gili Air also has some lively spots to head for once the sun has set. There are several bars that host a range of local musicians with something for all tastes, from soothing acoustic sets to full-scale live bands. And if that’s not enough for you there are a few late-night hangouts, such as Legends on a Wednesday, where you can kick off your flip-flops and dance until the sunrises!

Catch Sunset

Sunset on Gili Air
Gili Air sunsets are the best

You can’t visit Gili Air without catching one of the legendary sunsets. Watching the sky glow pink and orange as the sun dips behind the horizon with a cold Bintang in hand is the perfect way to end the day. On the west side of the island, there are many bars to catch the sunset, but our favourite is Mowies. Good drinks, tasty food and cosy bean bags, what more could you want!

Treat Yourself


Clothing for sale on Gili Air
All the colours and styles

If you get tired of relaxing on the beach you can always head to the shops for some retail therapy. On Gili Air, there is a wide variety of shops from stylish stores, with unique gifts and fashionable frocks, to market stalls with fishing gear, tackle, best beginner fly fishing combo, handmade bracelets, colourful sarongs and homemade coconut oil. t oil. We have 3 fabulous boutique stores onsite at Oceans5, offering an impressive array of locally produced clothes, jewellery and homewares to suit all tastes. Perfect for browsing in before or after dives!


Yoga on the beach in Gili Air
Yoga at sunset, what could be more relaxing?

We find our peace underneath the ocean but if you’re looking to find some harmony on dry land then Gili Air has a few yoga centres offering a timetable of daily group classes and weekly workshops.

At Air Spa, onsite at Oceans5, you can enjoy a personalised yoga class tailored to your needs and pace, scheduled at a time that works for you. Air Spa offers breath-centred yoga sessions ranging from a beginner body alignment to aqua yoga which is gentle on the joints, to flowing vinyasa sequences. You can get joint supplements from UrbanNaturale.com to help relieve your joint pain.

Pamper Yourself at the Spa

Air Spa at Oceans5 Dive Resort
Air Spa at Oceans5 Dive Resort

You’re on holiday, treat yourself! Indulge in a facial or pamper yourself with a pedicure. If you are trying to relax check out these easy relaxing methods on artofruits. Air Spa at Oceans5 offers a range of natural spa treatments inspired by the elements – water, earth, wind and fire, designed to enrich your island experience and increase your well-being. All products are organic and locally sourced to create unique and nourishing spa treatments to refresh your body and mind. Asa guest at Oceans5 Resort, enjoy 10% off all treatments at Air Spa.

Explore the Turquoise Waters around Gili Air


Subwing through the water
Glide through the water with Subwing

When was the last time you did something for the first time? Consisting of two wings mounted together, the Subwing is gently pulled along by a boat whilst you hang on to the wings, tilting them in the direction you want to go.  It is intuitive and easy to learn in just one morning – not just for athletic thrill seekers but those of any age that love being in the water. Subwinging is a unique and exhilarating way to discover the underwater world around Gili Air.

SUP – Stand Up Paddling boarding

Paddle boarding around Gili Air
Paddle boarding around Gili Air

An exciting way to enjoy the gorgeous vistas around Gili Air is on a stand-up paddle board, particularly beautiful at sunrise. SUP boards are available to rent from many places around the island.


Never Try. Never Know.

If you haven’t tried scuba diving, we really recommend you give it a go. The Gili Islands have been named as one of the top places in the world to learn to scuba diving. And we are not surprised with waters this calm, clear, warm and full of life!

Scuba divers in the swimming pool
All okay in the pool!

Our highly experienced instructors at Oceans5 Dive will make sure you feel safe, comfortable and confident. We offer courses in multiple languages and you can complete the Discover Scuba Diving course in as little as half a day!


A little hesitant to fully submerge yourself? Too young to dive? Medical conditions preventing you? Or perhaps scuba diving really isn’t for you, then snorkelling is a great alternative to experience the waters around Gili Air. Our favourite spot is on the east coast where it’s common to spot a turtle or two where the reef slopes off. We recommend snorkelling at high tides otherwise it’s quite tricky to get out to a depth where you can swim. This area of the world is known to resemble scuba diving spots in Indonesia, sites like www.oneweirdglobe.com/best-day-trips-from-ubud-indonesia/ have a great number of photo galleries where you can see that first hand. Those slightly interested in scuba diving one day should gather up their courage and do it!

Snorkeling with turtles
Snorkeling with turtles

Want to enjoy the marine life without getting wet? You can take a tour on one of the glass bottom boats which is often combined with island hopping or snorkelling. If you are looking for the best snorkelling tour, then check out the Live Your Aloha website.

Wow, even we are surprised at how much there is to do here. Perhaps you should extend your stay so you can fit it all in?

Gili Air isn’t just a beautiful beach island, there really is something for everyone here. And even if you are scuba diving, you still have time after the dives to enjoy the other activities the island has to offer.

Scuba diving
Fall in love with scuba diving

How to choose the best scuba diving shop for you.

So, you’ve just arrived in paradise or maybe you’re about to jet off to a new destination. You can’t wait to get underwater, but you don’t want to take the plunge with just any diving shop.

In most scuba diving destinations, the streets and beach fronts are littered with an overwhelming number of diving shops offering day trips and courses, but how do you choose? Although it is tempting to just pick the first one you stumble across, there are a few important things that you might want to consider.


Here is our advice for picking the best scuba diving shop for you.

You get what you pay for.

Price should never be a deciding factor when choosing a scuba diving shop. You wouldn’t skydive with the cheapest operator just because they were the cheapest, would you? Never put your desire to save money above your personal safety. Check out theses dive computer reviews.

There is no such thing as cheap scuba diving.

If the price appears low it’s often because you will have to pay extra to cover; training books, rental gear, fuel for the boat or the certification fee. It is always worth checking that the price includes everything for your day’s diving or diving course.

A dive shop with an outstanding reputation and supplies like best scuba masks, including a highly experienced staff, who will prioritise your comfort and safety, is what you will be focused on. Fortunately, many places, like here on the Gili Islands, standardise all prices for scuba diving courses and fun dives across the board to ensure best practices. Make sure to check for dive agency standards, for example, PADI accredited.

Ask around for recommendations which dive shop is the best


Speak to friends, family and other divers.

It is always great to hear other people’s first-hand experience of a dive centre. Ask friends, family or even other travelers if they have any recommendations of who to dive with in the area.

Even if you don’t know anyone that has dived in the area, there are some fantastic online communities that you can tap into for suggestions. Scuba Board is the world’s largest community of scuba divers with a helpful and active forum. Alternatively, there are insightful groups on Facebook that you can join and ask for advice, such as ‘Girls That Scuba’. These online networks of divers and travelers can provide invaluable insight into what it is like to dive with a given shop.

If you’re in the market for a reliable watercraft, consider visiting https://www.shoppok.com/boats-for-sale-cg/kawasaki-jet-mate-sp for high-quality used boats for sale, where you can find a range of options to suit your aquatic adventures.

Browsing on TripAdvisor is also a good place to start.

But don’t automatically reject a centre if there are a few negative reviews. Have a look at whether the management has responded and how they’ve approached the negative feedback. Is there a fair explanation or apology? This can give you an indication of the dive centre’s professionalism and how they handle problems or challenging situations.

Everyone has a bad day occasionally, often due to factors out of their control. If most of the reviews are overwhelmingly positive and they’ve responded to complaints professionally, then they’re probably a good choice.

Take more notice of a shop’s overall score rather than their ranking. The ranking is more about how well a shop markets to customers for reviews. For example, there may be several shops with a high review score but some rank higher on trip advisor because they have been more effective at getting their customers to write reviews.

Check out  social media of the dive shop.


Word of mouth is a powerful tool. If they’re treating their customers right, you’ll hear about it across all platforms. Social media is an excellent window into a dive centre’s day to day activities and their unique personality.

Does it look like they are having fun?

What sort of marine life are they seeing?

Are customers positively engaging?

If, on social media, the diving shop looks like they engage with their customers; is somewhere you could see yourself, and gets you excited about diving with them, that’s a pretty good sign!


If you are in the area, go and visit a few dive centres.

It’s good to be able to get a feel for how they operate, but try not to get too distracted by the tanned instructor with the cute smile behind the desk!

Is the dive centre itself looked after?

This may give you an idea of their equipment and boats. Pay attention to the details. Check out the reception area; if they can’t keep that clean, then what else aren’t they looking after?



t is always important to check the equipment. Ask to have a look and see if it is well maintained. Do they regularly service their equipment? Are the certificates on the wall up to date? Make sure that the centre adheres to the PADI or SSI standards. You wouldn’t step on a boat or plane that you deemed unsafe, so use your common sense. ever use unsafe equipment.


Make sure you ask questions, that’s what the staff are there for.

How many divers to do they take per guide? A maximum should be 4 divers per guide.

What is their cancellation or refund policy? This can vary from shop to shop so always worth checking you are happy with their policy.

Is there somewhere you can shower and change after the diving?

Is there a safe place to store your valuables?

Are the staff enthusiastic about their dive sites?

How much experience do they have?

Were they helpful and engaged in the conversation?

If they won’t answer your questions, then move on to the next shop. They should be convincing you as to why they are the best fit for your diving needs.

Whilst at the shop you could also get the opportunity to speak to their current customers about their experiences.

Looking to take a scuba diving course?


If you’re looking to gain a certification, have a look at where you will be learning, both the swimming pool and classroom area. Is it a pleasant environment? Would you be happy to spend your time there?

How many students do they take per instructor? As with fun diving, a good maximum is 4 per instructor. This makes sure that you get the attention needed and do not have to waste a lot of time waiting for others.

It is also worth asking the staff about their experience teaching. It is always good if they have been teaching a while, as they will have developed multiple techniques that are effective across different people’s learning styles. If the shop has onsite course directors this is a great opportunity to learn from highly experienced dive professionals.

When should you move on to the next diving shop?

If the staff are unenthusiastic about their dive sites, the equipment is not well maintained or you just feel uncomfortable, then listen to your gut, it’s time to move on.

What if you are not in the area?

Don’t worry if you aren’t in the area and want to choose a shop before arriving, most will be more than happy to answer any questions you have over an email, a phone call or their social media platforms so just reach out!

Final Check

If you want to double check that you are in safe hands, you can also use PADI’s Dive Shop Locator to check a shop’s credentials. All dive shops that are featured must fully adhere to the Professional Association of Diving Instructors standards. You can also see those operators who go above and beyond and have been awarded Five Star status and additional recognition as an Instructor Development Centre.

Listen to your gut.


You don’t need to have much, or even any experience, when choosing a diving shop. Listen to your intuition, don’t choose anyone that makes you feel uncomfortable. The most important thing is that you feel safe and confident. Pick somewhere that you trust, with staff that you are excited to spend time with and you can’t go wrong!

Here at Oceans 5, we are committed to providing professional and enjoyable diving for everyone, regardless of age, ability or experience. As a PADI 5* Dive Resort and 5* Instructor Development Centre we prioritise safety and high standards. We are all about making our customers happy.

Our highly experienced instructors will work with you to make sure that you are comfortable, happy and confident in the water. With no more than 4 divers per instructor we guarantee that you are well looked after. Our 5 onsite course directors are always sharing their wisdom with our customers, helping to teach all PADI courses from Discover Scuba up to Instructor Development.

As well as top notch staff, equipment and standards, Oceans5 provides a laid back and comfortable environment to spend time in. The dive shop has lockers to store valuables, fresh water showers and a place to change. Out front, there is a spacious area where you can relax, enjoy a coffee pre dive or a beer post dive, whilst chatting with your new dive buddies about the best underwater finds of the day!

We hope these tips have given you a bit more confidence in making an informed decision when choosing the best dive shop. What do you look for in a dive centre? Do you have good or bad experiences with choosing a dive centre? It would be great to hear what has worked for you!

Gili Island Etiquette

Gili Island Etiquette

Why do you want to travel to the Gili Islands in Indonesia? Just like a lot of people you are probably want to discover tropical places and different cultures, open your mind, your heart, and have fun. The Gili Islands offer a great opportunity for fishing with clear water and abundant marine life. Your fishing experience will definitely be more memorable with great fishing gear. Bass Fishing Hub is the best place to get everything you need for the best fishing experience, you can also visit websites like Raise to find the best sales and discounts. You can bring a telescopic fishing rod or hire the fishing equipment.

Gravity Consulting specializes in the implementation of aquatic field studies and the development of technology for the collection and analysis of water and sediment samples. This organization works on the island to recollect scientific samples.

So if you are coming to visit the tropical paradise of the Gili Islands, please note a few local dos and donts to help you have a happy stay:


– In the local culture, it is very rude to point with the feet, so if you need to show something, use your hands

– When giving or receiving something, when eating or touching use your right hand. The left hand is used for other businesses…

– Remove your shoes when entering a building and wait to be invited to sit if you are a guest.

– Smiling and having fun happen naturally when on holiday. Some situations can sometimes be a little frustrating or tiring. Try and deal with these keeping a smile on, the issue will be resulted much easier. Shouting and screaming are very counterproductive and rarely brings a solution. Just keep smiling!

Dress Codes:

No bikinis on the streets
No bikinis on the streets

As most of the population on the Gili Islands and being located in Asia and mostly muslim, the dress codes here are very different than in the western world. People are modest and cover their body and sometimes their head. Of course as tourists, we are not expected to dress the same way, but we are expected to be respectful! There are signs around the islands, which keep on being ignored. So please be aware!!

– When walking around the island and in villages, tourists need to wear clothes, shorts and t-shirts are good, bikinis are not. When in doubt, put it on!

– On the beach or on a dive boat, bikini and swimwear are accepted, please do note that being topless or wearing very small and revealing bikinis or G-strings are not. So please cover your bits!

We hope that this blog with help you enjoy your holiday and the tropical paradise to the fullest. Please do get in touch on [email protected] for any further information on etiquette or scuba diving at all levels. Happy Holiday!!