
PADI Course Director

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Your PADI Course Director, Sander Buis

Living now for more than 18 years on the Gili Islands, you can’t call Sander anymore a foreigner. In these years starting working as dive instructor at Gili Trawangan, he is now the owner of one of the most recognized PADI Instructor Development Centers on the Gili Islands, Oceans 5.

Oceans 5 first opened their doors as a PADI dive resort in 2010 on the beautiful island of Gili Air, Lombok. It quickly became an IDC center the following year, and through dedicated focus on quality teaching it also became a 5* PADI Career Development  Center and DDI Instructor Training Center in 2014.

Sander did not stop to develop his diving skills. In 2013 Sander became a PADI Course Director and in 2017 he became a DDI Instructor Trainer Examiner. His passion for diving, his diving knowledge and his diving experience all over the world are a perfect combination of ingredients for your PADI IDC.

During the PADI IDC Sander will concentrate on the weaknesses of the candidates and will make these better. He does not like to teach the IDC candidates how to pass the Instructor Examination but he likes to create confident dive instructors.

PADI Course Director Sander | PADI IDC Indonesia | IDC Gili Islands
PADI Instructor Development | PADI IDC Gili Islands | Oceans 5 Gili Air

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