
PADI Dive Against Debris

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Dive Against Debris Specialty

At Oceans 5 Gili Air, we foster a strong bond with the oceans in addition to teaching diving. Our guiding principle is to actively protect and nurture the beauty that exists beneath the waves in addition to discovering it. We’re thus happy to present the PADI Dive Against Debris Specialty, a diving opportunity that perfectly embodies our guiding principles.

Specialty Dive Against Debris: Delve Deeper, Dive Wise

Understanding and addressing the effects of debris on our priceless marine ecosystems are at the heart of Dive Against Debris’ mission. As enthusiastic divers, we believe it is our duty to act because human garbage is posing unprecedented threats to our oceans.

PADI Dive Against Debris Gili Islands | PADI IDC Resort Oceans 5 Gili Air | Indonesia
Dive Against Debris around the Gili Islands

Reef Clean-Up Dives: Creating Visible Change

Oceans 5 Gili Air goes one step further by offering the Reef Clean-Up Dive as an addition to the Dive Against Debris Specialty. Our intention is crystal clear: we want to remove the garbage that has made its way to the beautiful reef in front of our dive shop. We’re committed to make a noticeable change in the health of our neighbourhood ecology through organised reef clean-up activities on another week.

Two Dives: Why? Acting and Perceiving

We are committed to giving you the practical skills you need to be a responsible diver, in addition to merely academic understanding. Because of this, our Dive Against Debris Specialty entails not just one dive, but two dives. We think that knowing how to safely remove debris from the water goes hand-in-hand with knowing how it affects our environment. You will be guided through both dives by our knowledgeable instructors, who will help you develop the skills necessary to effectively impact ocean conservation.

Dive Against Debris Indonesia | Oceans 5 Gili Air | Gili Islands
Dive against Debris around the Gili Islands

We Need Your Help to Make Change

Are you prepared to contribute to something more than merely scuba diving? Be a change agent by joining us in the Dive Against Debris Specialty. Your involvement will not only improve your diving abilities but also have a long-term effect on the marine ecosystem that we all value.

We at Oceans 5 Gili Air are a community of ocean defenders, not just a diving shop. Together, let’s take decisive action to create a cleaner, healthier undersea environment. To find out more about this area of expertise and how you can help create change, get in touch with us right away.

Oceans 5 Gili Air’s PADI Eco Divemaster Programmes: Discover the Heart of Responsive Diving

At Oceans 5 Gili Air, we consider diving to be more than just exploring the depths; it’s also about appreciating, protecting, and comprehending the delicate marine ecosystems that enthral us. We are pleased to announce the PADI Eco Divemaster Programmes, which are intended to develop the upcoming generation of environmentally conscious diving professionals, as part of our commitment to responsible diving.

An Eco Divemaster Programmes Foundational Specialty Is Dive Against Debris

The Dive Against Debris Specialty, which is a foundational component of our PADI Eco Divemaster Programmes, is at the heart of our goal. We understand that maintaining the health of our oceans is a shared responsibility, and our Eco Divemaster Programmes give you the tools you need to be a leader in protecting the undersea environment.

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